Represents a CLI command with its options, arguments, and behavior.
Commands can have:
const deployCommand: Command = { name: 'deploy', description: '🚀 Deploy your application', options: [{ name: 'env', description: 'Target environment', defaultValue: 'dev' }], action: (args) => { console.log(`🚀 Deploying to ${args.env}...`); }}; Copy
const deployCommand: Command = { name: 'deploy', description: '🚀 Deploy your application', options: [{ name: 'env', description: 'Target environment', defaultValue: 'dev' }], action: (args) => { console.log(`🚀 Deploying to ${args.env}...`); }};
Represents a CLI command with its options, arguments, and behavior.
Commands can have: